Assurance Services

As someone responsible for the preparation and presentation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards you need an experienced public accountant you can trust.

We offer two types of assurance services: audits and review engagements.

With an audit, we provide an opinion on whether or not the statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of your organization.  Audits provide a high degree of assurance to third parties.

In the case of a review engagement, we provide assurance that nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe your financial statements are not, in all material respects, in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards. A review engagement provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. In both cases, the annual external financial statements are prepared in accordance with general accepted accounting standards.

Durand and Associates Professional Corporation is licensed to practice as a Public Accountant in the Province of Ontario by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario issued under the authority of the Public Accounting Act, 2004.

Let us help you get started 


We work together on a number of condominiums that are mutual clients. Durand and Associates can be relied on to complete audits well within the time constraints dictated by our annual general meetings. Their team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with condominiums. I would highly recommend them to any condominium seeking audit services.

John Shaver, President - J. Shaver and Associates Property Managers